Overdrive pedals dedicated to the blues that will allow you to crunch your amp at a reasonable volume as if pushed into its ultimate entrenchments. A switch 3 positions will allow you to choose between 3 modes: clean, soft or hard.
Overdrive pedal dedicated to blues inspired by a famous blue pedal.A 2-position switch will allow you to choose between a normal or more bass-heavy mode.
The CLASSIC DRIVE 2 is a TUBE DRIVER where the lamp is replaced by two JFET transistors. Many guitarists have played this type of pedal: David Gilmour, Satriani, Billy Gibbons, Eric Johnson ... and the list goes on ...
The GE BOOST 2 is a treble booster based on the famous Dallas Rangemaster used by many guitarists of the 60s and 70s such as Tony Iommi, Ritchie Blackmore, Jimmy Page, Rory Gallagher, Jeff Beck or even Eric Clapton ... and the list is still long ...
The LOUNA 2 is a 100% JFET transistor overdrive. It will offer you warm and dynamic sounds ranging from a simple boost to a well loaded overdrive. Without using traditional clipping diodes your sound will be organic and uncompressed even with the drive full!
Overdrive pedal (guitar and bass) clone of the very famous KLON CENTAUR, by its dynamism you will not recognize your amp ... Available in two different graphics: Child or Clown.
2-channel overdrive pedal inspired by the Blackstone mosfet overdrive which has the particularity of using 4 stages of CMOS to create the distortion. The harmonics generated are very rich and close to those of vintage amps. Very sensitive to nuances of play, it will take you from a clean to a strong crunch simply by playing with the volume of your guitar.
The legendary sound of the 4558 JRC reviewed by the DOC.Guitar overdrive pedal based on a 4558 JRC with an asymmetrical clipping circuit composed of silicon diodes + germanium / silicon (modern tone more gain than the Vintage Drive).
The legendary sound of the 4558 review by the DOC. Overdrive pedal tube screamer type of guitar based on TI 4558 with a symmetrical clipping circuit silicon (sound close to a TS 808).
The legendary sound of the 4558 review by the DOC. Tubecreamer guitar overdrive pedal based on a TI 4558 with a switchable symmetrical clipping circuit between silicon / germanium / led. The most versatile overdrive from boost to big overdrive.